On 5/4/06, Eric Molitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I definitely agree that they should be isolated, but glancing through
the api I saw RequestAware but not ResponseAware. (I`m reading the
copy Don posted and not the version under source control.)

ValidationAware, ErrrorAware, RequestAware, ResponseAware,
SomeOtherStuffAware... Are you kidding? I might not understand
something (heck, I haven't started with WW yet), but if all these
interfaces are only meant to implement a callback method in a custom
class for the framework to call, then... well, I do not like this.

For the lifecycle, I want a clear definition of lifecycle call
sequence and an option to call lifecycle methods explicitly. All of
them. Like in SAF1, WW binds URL to a mapping to an action, so action
is the endpoint which is guaranteed to be called. Fine. Then just pass
control to that action and give me an option to call all (or some)
lifecycle methods explicitly from the action. I will not need
interceptors in this case, by the way. And I will not need to
implement a bunch of intefaces.

For the regular typecasting I agree, some interfaces are needed, to
make certain methods available, but there should be a very limited
number of these interfaces, and at best a particular class will need
to implement only one interface.

Um, does it make sense?


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