Here is what I'm talking about:

This approach has the advantages of closely following the familiar Log interface, and by leveraging the List and Map interfaces, makes it easy to manipulate and access data from any tag or expression language that supports collections. On the other hand, it doesn't support arbitrary message types, and would require a number of methods in an implementation class. This is what I meant when I said this approach favors end user convenience over framework developer maintenance. I'm not saying the List and Map interfaces are better designed than what we could come up with here, but they are what developers know and feel confortable with, so perhaps we should leverage that.

Personally, I've never had a need for any other types of messages other than info, warn, and error, but I could be in the minority here.


Bob Lee wrote:
I don't think it's a question of making things easier for the user or not
vs. our effort.

Are you saying you want arbitrary levels for messages (a la JSF)?


On 5/4/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Don Brown wrote:
> re-education of developers. I want Struts Action Framework 2 to be seen
> as easy and powerful, not just from a feature standpoint, but also
> migration, education, and "conceptual space" one.

I was talking to Eric on the ww dev chat, and he brought up a good point
resonated with me: we should be leveraging more known, common constructs
developing this API.

For example, the Messages object, rather than leverage the familiar Log
interface we all use every day. Messages are collected, much like logging
messages and their levels are similar.  Therefore, we'd have:"some.key");

We'd still keep the four different versions of the add function to handle
errors and parameters.  Furthermore, Messages could implement Collection
Map, allowing it to be treated easily by existing tags and code built to
these common constructs.

Yes, this adds more methods but the value to the developer, I think, is
it.  I'd rather error on the side of making our job harder than require
work and learning on the part of the end developer.  Martin Fowler calls
it a
Humane Interface pattern [1], and while I don't completely agree with that pattern (78 methods for a List?!), I do think we should be designing from
standpoint of the end developer, not from the framework developer. Let's
Struts Action 2 powerful, easy, and even _intuitive_.



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