> Don, this is *very* interesting. Nice work. I've been
> wondering for a
> while if we could reuse off-the-shelf JSF components.
> It looks like
> you may have figured out how!
> It also proves that you can think of the JSF
> lifecycle as a more
> complex, higher level of abstraction of our
> interceptor lifecycle.
> From my experience, it's a *lot* easier to reason
> about and maintain
> the simpler interceptor lifecycle.
> Bob
Great work Don! This is very cool. I've been saying we could do this for a long 
time, but it's good to know I wasn't just making that up :-)

I think it's interesting to think of the JSF lifecycle as a particular profile 
of our interceptor lifecycle. Similarly, the Portlet support is a different 
profile. For simple pages, you can choose a simple profile.

Don, does this make SAF a full JSF implementation (minus the bundled 
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