A bit of a tangential question here... does Webwork support inheritance of some sort with regard to Action mappings? Or perhaps some sort of prototype? I think it's great that you can set things on a per-mapping basis, that makes things very flexible and powerful... but one can imagine where that leads to rather complex-looking config files... and I'm not sold on annotations yet, I'm still in the config file camp myself... still, configuring everything per mapping could get messy. If there is a way to have basically a prototype mapping that others can inherit from, that would eliminate that possibility, more or less. Just curious, because I've only done one Webwork project thus far, and it's relatively basic, so I didn't have a need for this capability.


Don Brown wrote:
Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
I've been historically pretty anti-JSF, so I hope this means something in light of that history: this is *very* interesting and I congratulate you on making it happen! I've had the same "I think it can be done" thoughts about mixing the two, just never actually did anything with the idea, so I'm happy that someone has, if for no other reason than to prove it can be done. Kudos!

The one concern I have initially is about performance... as you describe, running through all the normal interceptors, and *then* going through the JSF phases, sounds like an awful lot of code to execute per request. I wonder about how well this will scale. Time will tell of course, but that is my one concern.
This is why I left the JSF stack with just JSF phase interceptors and not including the whole default stack. This lets you mix and match at the action level, so if the action wanted the full action 2 stack plus JSF, it can, or it can just use the JSF phase interceptors. The full stack, or at least the params interceptor, is useful so that a page can accept an "id" parameter, then look up the data to be available in the JSF page later. In Action 2, nothing is forced an you, making it very easy to override or set other defaults as needed.


Good work in any case Don, I look forward to seeing this polished!


Don Brown wrote:
Jason Carreira wrote:
Great work Don! This is very cool. I've been saying we could do this for a long time, but it's good to know I wasn't just making that up :-)
Heh, I know. After bragging about it after many beers at JavaOne, I figured it was time to put up or shut up :)

I think it's interesting to think of the JSF lifecycle as a particular profile of our interceptor lifecycle. Similarly, the Portlet support is a different profile. For simple pages, you can choose a simple profile.
Exactly.  SAF2 makes a great controller.
Don, does this make SAF a full JSF implementation (minus the bundled components)?
No, this requires a JSF implementation. For the example in showcase, I used MyFaces. The integration code, however, doesn't require any particular JSF implementation. If we were a full implementation, there would be a ton more code; not something I think we'd be interested in maintaining :)

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
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Java Web Parts -
Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

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