Well, it took me a week to get back from California. After J1 we visited some relatives and toured California and Arizona before a long drive home. My contact with the outside world was spotty last week so I'm just now really getting caught up. Anyway, here's some notes I took during the Struts meeting at JavaOne. Please respond with corrections, clarifications, and/or expansions.

I was part of the group that discussed potential for sharing of components between Shale and SAF2. Here are some of the items that were discussed:

* Someone suggested an Interceptor stack to implement the JSF lifecycle. This would make it possible to use JSF components in SAF2. I saw that this was further discussed in another thread so I won't say any more here. * XWork was proposed as an alternative to Commons Chain as the action processing engine for Shale. * Someone suggested a shared EL that includes OGNL. The subject even came up of submitting a JSR as OGNL may have a wider scope than the web. * I brought up the possibility of a shared environment abstraction component. Standalone Tiles, Commons Chain, SAF2, and possibly even Action 1 and could benefit from a layer that abstracts the framework from the APIs specific to the servlet or portlet specs. It was also discussed that this might be part of a web commons project (to exist somewhere like Jakarta) along with Standalone Tiles. * Annother potential for shared components is the validation framework and annotation styles.

Other groups simultaneously discussed what to do with AJAX support and how to formulate the SAF2 API. Both of those are being discussed in other threads.

Hopefully, that clarifies some of the things that were talked about. It was really cool to meet some of you and I look forward to someday meeting the rest. It's amazing how much of a difference it makes in reading your emails to have a voice and face to go along with the text.

Hope to see you again soon.

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