On Jun 14, 2006, at 11:00 AM, Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 6/14/06, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Would you consider some kind of compatibility mode?  That is, before
you remove support for these, could there be a way for people to
configure things for a more strict or more compatible evaluation, to
ease migration?  It seems like the closest you can get to deprecation
warnings in tag libs/JSPs.

Rather than keep these things around in Standalone Tiles, I think the
responsibility for 'deprecation' warnings falls to Struts Action.

Once we know which attributes are going away, if we start warning
people in 1.3.x it won't be a surprise.  But that's assuming SAF1
intends to switch to Standalone Tiles behind the scenes at some point.

George and Greg's exchange assuming the presence of EL points to
moving Standalone Tiles to a Servlet 2.4 baseline, which might
preclude SAF1 from using it at all.

I tend to agree with you and I'm not sure keeping it out of SAF1 is a good idea. I was hoping ST would gain a bigger user base by integrating it into SAF1 but I don't think that can happen if we refactor the API. But I believe the API refactoring is a wise choice. So... I'll just play it by ear and see what happens.


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