We released 3 new project under our BlueOxygen Projects, the Lotion SFA, Ramen Material Management, Obat Help Desk, and Papaje Job MArketplace. All of these projects powered by Cimande, an integration project of WebWork/Struts Action, Spring, Hiberante, and Velocity.

If you are think that JSF is to complex, and want another Web 2.0 solution that can bring your night better. Try our Cimande, or the light version of Cimande named Cimande Thin, We successfully integrate AJAX inside it.

These are our project files which you can get it.
* [Obat], the help desk Solution, you can get the code at http://www.sf.net/projects/obat * [Papaje], the Job Marketplace System, you can get the code at http://www.sf.net/projects/papaje, or our life system at http://www.papaje.com * [Ramen], the Material Management and Monitoring, you can get the code at http://www.sf.net/projects/ramen * [Lotion], the SFA CRM Solution, you can get the code at http://www.sf.net/projects/lotion

Several ready to use project will be released soon.

If you want to know how to develop Cimande's module, you can read <a href="attach?page=Cimande/CimandeOverview-ver-1.0.pdf">this PDF presentation</a>

We are glad if you all want to review our work.

Directly a Java Open Source Project from Java Island.

Please visit http://www.blueoxygen.org for more information.


Frans Thamura

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