The reason there are both Action and Shale frameworks is because we
didn't know how to support JSF in Action. We're finally starting to
make some headway on that score. Now what do we need to do to finish
the job?

If the job is finished, then is someone up to "showing us the code" by
driving the Shale MailReader from SAF2?


I think this is a great point. Easy/centraliced way of doing things was the key to original Struts success. I think Action2 must keep that point, and JSF (nor shale nor seam nor no-framework yet) provides a way of doing things.

IMHO, the original perform(....) method and ActionForm was the key of Struts success. Easy and centralized, a single way of doing webapps with Struts.
If I do Struts, and I you do Struts, we *surely* talk the same dialect.
If I do JSF and you do JSF, I'm 95% sure we won't talk *exactly* the same dialect. I can implement my managed beans in lot's of different ways. I can have events, or actions, centralized or uncentralized actions... a lot of differences between two programmers.

The point is, provide an easy way to do things with JSF in a plugable fashion: use it or not, use it our way or not, but if you use it our way, well... there must be any benefit!

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