>From: "Ted Husted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On 6/21/06, Don Brown wrote: 
> > Again, Struts Action and Struts Shale would both retain their separate 
> projects, 
> > codebases, and release cycles. Struts 2.0 is about building something on 
> > top 
> of 
> > our Struts efforts to create a unified front to users. Users don't care 
> > about 
> > all the little projects, subprojects, and libraries we have; I think they 
> > just 
> > want something to help them build webapps - they want Struts 2.0. And as a 
> > committer, PMC member and Struts user, I want it too. 
> Wearing my PMC hat, I'd be surprised if that approach would well serve 
> the Shale community. You can dress it up anyway you want, but in the 
> end, this approach will have the effect of demoting Shale to an 
> appendage of SAF, rather than a framework in its own right. 
> We like to chatter about what's best for Struts, or what Struts is, 
> but I think the key question is what's Shale, and what's best for 
> Shale? I remain concerned that, after two years on a greenfield, there 
> has not been a GA release of Shale. I have to wonder if keeping Shale 
> here is stunting the community's growth. 
> We've heard from Craig, but in order to make any kind of decision, I'd 
> have to know how the other people working on Shale feel. 

I think we could use some more Shale recruiters but I don't necessarily think 
that is because of lacking community support. I can think of several people 
that I feel have been worthy contributors but we have been very conservative. 
The SAF camp has recently been very active in recruiting anyone showing 

I don't have a strong opinion either way. I remember someone saying that they 
precious little time and I sympathize. Making this happen is really a team 
effort and 
you have to pick your battles. Even though I have not made the time to evaluate 
latest in the action camp, I truly enjoy the exchange of ideas. 

If we continue to share a single community, I don't think that it is wise to 
force both 
camps into a single shoe box. On occasion we might want to get funky mixing 
but most like to play it safe, after all, it's about the right context.


> -Ted. 
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