The CargoTestSetup class that you added to the test framework (was this
Wendy's first commit of Java code?  :-) nicely leverages the fact that Cargo
will figure out which container to use based on system properties
(specifically "").  However, the way that this class is
being used in Tomcat5xWelcomeTestCase in the shale-blank application is
definitely not container-agnostic, because it presumes to use Tomcat 5.x.
I'd like to write our tests so that they dynamically adapt to whatever Cargo
Container the user has selected in their ~/.m2/settings.xml file.

So, the question is, does the following strategy make sense?

* Set up default cargo properties in the POM for a particular application
(defauting to "tomcat5x" makes sense).

* Allow the user to override these by setting up their favorite container in
~/.m2/settings.xml (presumes
 that user settings override POM settings)

* Change the shale-blank tests to not bother trying to pass through any
Tomcat specific properties --
 instead, they should assume that all the required "cargo.*" propertes have
been set up by the
 surrounding environment already.

If this works out, it will make sense to replicate this model in the other
apps that have integration tests, as well as into the archetype(s) for new


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