\On 8/2/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You got me there, Martin :-) It didn't make sense. hehe I do believe the 
remaining issues
can be solved.

No time like the present. The 1.3.5 build is tagged, and the
repository is open to commits.

But that will be a 1.3.6, right?

Well, first we'll need a release manager. Any volunteers? If so, set
up a plan on the wiki and have at it. We don't have to wait on 1.3.5,
a new build could be tagged at any time.

It's easy for feature creep to enter into the
picture -- so my unclear point (hehe) was that if I deliver some
moderate changes, it
makes getting a production version out that more complex. I'd like to
work on a
production branch though before  delivering.

Some people have had 1.3 "in production" for over a year. In fact,
since we "eat our own dog food", we expect committers and other
developers to put a milestone in production first, so that we can find
problems with edge cases.

At this point, 1.3.5 is what it is. If it makes GA, it makes GA. The
tag is set, the die is cast. If someone wants to start a new line of
development, it's not hard to create a branch in the sandbox, and then
merge it back into the trunk later.


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