i've never seen you sign your emails as "Rod" before Don.  Just curious.
What's with that?  Something similar happened with me sometime ago and they
have been accusing me of being several people ever since.  LOL  Are you
really Rod Steiger?

On 8/4/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hmm...I agree with your premise that there are two types of JSF
integration use cases:

  1. The JSf app that wants some action-driven pages
  2. The Struts 2 app that wants to use JSF components

However, I don't see why both aren't serviced by the existing code
today.  To meet use case #1, you could define a wildcard that basically
hands most requests off to JSF automatically then configure the
exceptions.  For use case #2, the Showcase example demonstrates how it
is possible.

What specific functionality do you see missing?

Rod :)

Chris Waring wrote:
> I've been working with the Struts2 JSF Integration and I wanted to run a
> ideas past the development community.
> First, I would like to give a high level description of the
> that I see as being desirable as well as why I believe it to be so.
> Second, I would like to give a description of some of the design ideas
> see if their are better alternatives available to meet the described
> functionality.
> I see Struts2 JSF integration as a good lure to get JSF developers
> interested in checking out Struts2.  With that said I think that the end
> implementation should be able to support both an integrated lifecycle
> Struts2 takes over the duties of executing Actions, performing
> handling result navigation, and all the other things that Struts2 does
> as well as a wrapped lifecycle where Struts2 supports pre and post
> processing of the default JSF Lifecycle.  In this second case JSF would
> handle everything in it's standard way but integrated with in the
> Lifecycle stack to support things like error handling, etc. that JSF
> to lack.
> Why support two different JSF lifecycle implementations?
> My thought here is that if we can add value to a project that already
> invested development into JSF, while keeping the "barrier to entry" to
> integrate with Struts2 to a minimum, we ought to be able to attract a
> of JSF projects that are already in progress to try us out.  On the
> side, if you are evaluating frameworks for a new project, it might be
> attractive to be able to use Struts2 but still be able to use JSF
> components.  In this situation it would be nice to be able to use a
> configuration file and not have to learn the faces-config.xml.
> How would the integrated lifecycle work?
> JSF 1.1 supports six phases but it does so by using only 2 Lifecycle
> It has an execute() and a render().  I see Struts2 integrating right
> those two lifecycle methods.  The Struts 2 lifecycle stack could be
> something like:
> FacesSetupInterceptor - Accepts parms for configuring JSF application,
> lifecycle, etc.
> FacesExecuteLifecyleInterceptor -  Would create the JSF lifecycle and
> perform and call the execute() portion of the JSF lifecycle.
> (Normal Action call would occur)
> FacesResult - Would use the Struts2 result uri to construct a new jsf
> UIViewRoot.  Calls the render portion of the JSF lifecycle.
> How would the wrapped lifecycle work?
> The wrapped lifecycle would rely on a properly configured
> and would not allow the normal action processing to occur.  The
> stack could be as simple as a single jsf interceptor.
> FacesFullLifecycleInterceptor - Creates the JSF lifecycle.  Calls both
> execute() and render() methods on the lifecycle.  Returns null to
> further processing.
> If people think that this would be beneficial, I am willing to do most
> the coding, testing and documentation for it.
> I already have a good start on the code for the integrated lifecycle
> thanks in part to Rod Browns efforts.  Let me know if I should continue
> work on this.
> Thank You,
> --Chris Waring

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