I attached the patch to WW-1562. It is a fairly long ticket, not everything is fixed, but the most important stuff is:

* Add a way to hide the dropdown arrow
* Reload options on type, and be able to specify minimum text length for reload
* Remember selected values is there is a validation error...

The remote form is failing with an error "Attribute afterLoading invalid for tag submit according to TLD", that tag has a "onLoadJS" instead (http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/submit.html). Probably somebody changed it after I added "afterLoading" and it is failing now because it was removed for the backward compatibility issue.


Ted Husted wrote:
We're down to a handful of problems, which are all reflected in the
Showcase examples, one way or the other. Some of these were also
present in Struts 2.0.1, and so may be a problem with the example

* https://issues.apache.org/struts/browse/WW-1538

The showstoppers are the action-redirect prefix and the datetime picker.

If we were down to one or the other, I'd be tempted to roll 2.0.2,
just for fun, but two non-functioning features seems a bit much --
when we usually shoot for zero. :)


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