On 2/23/07, Rene Gielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Am Do, 22.02.2007, 21:34, schrieb Ian Roughley:
>> Also, in honour of Don and our friends at Atlassian, I'd like to
>> designate a new official beer for Struts 2 -- you guessed it --
>> Fosters!
> Only an American would suggest Fosters ;-)  Let's go for VB or Tooheys
> since he'll end up in NSW.

So I'd suggest that we all meet at ApacheCon Europe in May and discuss the
beer question while giving different Australian, European and maybe
American beers a try :)

Ah, true words of wisdom, Rene. Who's going to ApacheCon Europe by the
way ? I couldn't find the entrance fee on the site either (which was
returning 502 bad gateway yesterday).



Congrats to all for this milestone and the hard work leading to it. And
yes, the MVP hat fits well for Don ;)

- Rene

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iDTV System Engineer
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