It's been amusing to me that the people slamming Struts (not saying you Martin, talking generically) for this, that and the other thing are the same people making their living developing applications on it... it's also amusing that those same people won't get off their collective arses and come up with something better themselves.

It's funny to me sitting here because I understand asking the question you've asked because I used to have the same frame of mind, and that's really what this is about, as Don and Ted have succinctly said. Struts, or any other open-source project (generally, always some exceptions) aren't about market share, or making a name for anybody, it's about a group of people with similar goals developing software that THEY THEMSELVES want to use. If 100,000 people see it and say "hey, that's cool" and use it, that's great. If absolutely nobody likes and and nobody decides to use it, as long as the original creators like it and use it, than that project can rightly be deemed a success. Such is the case for Struts2.

So long as there are developers willing to work on S2, who are using it themselves (to some degree... for example, I've only used it a little bit myself yet I've contributed a plugin already) then it's doing exactly what its supposed to be doing. Whether the download count is high or low, whether this blog or that said good things or bad things about it, whether everyone is using it or no one is, there's an active, thriving developer community made up of people who are using S2 themselves and helping each other, so everything is as it should be.

And about those who have a negative impression of Struts... people are quick to try and knock down what's on top. There has been a growing backlash against Struts for some time, for whatever reasons... lots more people making negative comments about it. But, as I said at the beginning, it's amazing to me that those same people very often are using Struts all the time to make a living, and not themselves trying to jump in and make it better, or coming up with something else entirely that's better.

Also, I dare say a great many of the people complaining about S2 now haven't given it much time or attention and have simply assumed it's S1++. That's just foolish.

Finally, having all these alternative frameworks is fantastic, but until one of them has more than a trivial user base, comparing them to Struts in terms of success or failure isn't even a reasonable thing to do IMO. It's kind of like saying one of Jupiter's moons has a greater gravitational pull than Jupiter just because the moon looks prettier! Let the moon gain *significant* mass first, then we'll compare :) (hehe, interestingly, the mass-gaining analogy works equally as well if you replace Jupiter with your wife and the moon with that hot blond down the street that hasn't had 4 kids yet! ... and for the women on the list, replace Jupiter with your husband and the moon with Brad Pitt before he settles down, loses his money and gets a beer gut!)

A while back, I learned to just shut my mouth, not bitch about everything and just write the code I wanted to write, that I wanted to use, put it out there and let whatever happens just happen. I'm actually developing my own framework for precisely this reason. This is a lesson the people complaining all the time need to learn, and this is also ultimately what the Struts community is actually doing, just under a more well-known name and with greater visibility than most. So, I understand the thought process that goes into asking the question you asked, and I also understand now why it's a fundamentally flawed question to ask in the first place.


Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of "Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology"
 (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
and "JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects"
 (2007, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-816-4)
Java Web Parts -
 Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

Martin Gilday wrote:
This is something I have been thinking about for a while, but has been
highlighted by Wicket recently graduating from the Apache Incubator. When checking out blogs, newsgroups, theserverside, infoq etc it has
become apparent to me that Struts 2 is still very much thought of as
just Struts 1++, in a negative sense.  When you see posts by people
saying which web frameworks they have tried out because they were
unhappy with Struts 1 then Wicket, Click, Tapestry are mentioned. Struts
2, however, is always seemingly dismissed without a look, as they feel
all the problems they have with Struts 1 must still exist.  Of course
there is plently on info on the wiki detailing why they are different,
but if they have already crossed it off the list before getting to the
site it isn't much use in getting the message across.  I'm not really
sure what my point is as the name is the name now.  Maybe some positive
marketing such as some blog posting about the improvements and
differences, or in release annoucements really strongly detailing them.

What do you think about Struts 2 current image in the Java community?


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