I guess this is where we differ.  I think we absolutely shouldn't be
creating new conventions because:
 1. The Rails conventions have been used for years and have proven valuable
 2. The Rails conventions match what people think about when they
think of a Restful URL
 3. Conventions are already difficult to learn and remember, so one
set of them is always better than one frequently used set and another
rarely used
 4. Using the same conventions minimizes training
 5. The current URL patterns just aren't a good fit for Rest, so I
don't feel bad throwing them out.
 6. Struts 2 was all about not reinventing the wheel, and here is a
clear case where we can learn from another project

My ultimate goal is that Struts 2 realigns itself as the easiest, yet
most powerful way to write a Restful application, going head to head
with Rails and Restlets in this specific aspect.  I think we have a
tremendous opportunity to capitalize on how well our architecture fits
Rest applications to meet this growing demand and be a leader in the

I can't say it enough - Rest could be _the_ thing Struts 2 is known to
dominate in the Java web framework world, but do make that happen, it
would take a strong, if not unanimous consensus from the Struts
development community. Other frameworks have less configuration
(Wicket), have a better UI component model (JSF, Wicket, Tapestry,
etc), and even other action-based frameworks have a tighter focus and
leaner, yet practical codebase (Stripes), but we could have the
premier Rest platform, which I believe delivers solid, scalable value
to developers.  I know that is where my applications are moving, and
I'd like Struts 2 to be the framework I use to write them.


On 10/23/07, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (From "Plugins gone Wild")
> On 10/22/07, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Also, I wouldn't include the rest plugin in core as it places some
> > strict requirements on the format of the url that won't be compatible
> > with most Struts 2 apps.
> That's a good point. I went over the Rails conventions for REST, and I
> would agree that they would tend to conflict with other trends in
> Struts development. To further the discussion, I put together some
> notes regarding some REST conventions that would better coincide with
> our own general direction.
>  * 
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/S2PLUGINS/RESTful+CRUD+for+HTML+methods
> -Ted.
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