The ASF "How it work page", at "Implications of Voting", suggest that

"In some cases and communities, the exercise of a vote carries some
responsibilities that may not be immediately obvious. For example, in
some cases a favorable vote carries the implied message 'I approve and
I'm willing to help.' Also, an unfavorable vote may imply that 'I
disapprove, but I have an alternative and will help with that

"The tacit implications of voting should be spelt out in the
community's guidelines. However, in no case may someone's vote be
considered invalid if the implied commitment doesn't appear to be met;
a vote is a formal expression of opinion, not of commitment."

Our community guidelines suggest that:

"The act of voting carries certain obligations. Voters are not only
stating their opinion, they are also agreeing to help do the work."

While we would never discount a binding vote of a PMC member, I
believe we could agree, as a community, that if someone casts a
binding vote for a GA release, it is our expectation that the PMC
Member is declaring his or her intention to support the release.

So, is a +1 on a GA merely a vote of confidence in the bits, or should
the vote also be declaring an intention to help?


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