From: "Antonio Petrelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2008/1/15, Al Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Following your argument, if you only +1 releases which are going to be
supported, yet you don't know if any release will be supported, surely you
can only +1 releases you are willing to support?

Sorry I don't understand, because English is not my mother tongue. Please
elaborate it.

From what you said the only way you know if a release will be supported is
if you are helping to support it, so from that you should only be voting for releases which you are willing to support.

I think the obligation is at the time of the vote and not a moral obligation
until death.

What do you mean with "at the time of the vote"? And the moral obligation is
until someone notice that a feature is unsupported, not death.

When the vote takes place you should intend to help support it, but if when the vote takes place you don't intend to support it then I beleive you shouldn't be voting, or even voting -1 if you feel something is unsupportable by the community (e.g. the dojo/datetime problems in S2.0).

By death I mean death of the feature or the volunteer, whichever happens first :-).

You have an obligation to vote for a release if you, at the
time, intend to help support it in the wild

In fact I "intend" to support a release when I vote +1, but I don't feel
obliged. It's the term "obligation" that I don't like.

And what I'm saying is that you are obliged, ONLY when you vote, to vote with the best intentions of helping to support the release.

You are not obliged to support the release continually because we all have unexpected things happen in our lives which take up our time, but if your voting your obligation is to vote with what your intention is and not to vote when you don't intend to help out.

otherwise you're basically
saying "let it out, and let some other sucker handle the fall out".

So we are all suckers :-)

Only if we continually make releases without intending to help support them :).


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