On Jan 16, 2008 6:28 AM, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2008 6:24 AM, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Martin Cooper wrote:
> > >> That's a fair question, but I have an answer for it.
> > >
> > > Of course you do. If you didn't, I'd think you'd gone on vacation or
> > > something. ;-)
> >
> > :)
> >
> > > So you're saying that if a non-committer thinks a release looks OK, a +1
> > > says just that and means nothing more,
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> >  > whereas if a committer thinks it
> > > looks OK, they can't vote the same way unless they're committing to 
> > > support
> > > it, and therefore cannot contribute to the binding vote count required 
> > > for a
> > > release.
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> >  > But why would the non-committer vote in such an inconsistent way?
> > > Surely the appropriate thing to do would be to vote +0, which is what the
> > > committer would have to do in order to indicate that they thought the
> > > release looked OK but were not in a position to support it.
> >
> > No, because that would also imply that the non-binding +1 has the same
> > implied willingness to support (because otherwise there would be no
> > difference between 0 and +1), and I contend that *NO* non-binding vote
> > *EVER* carries that implication, as a binding vote does.  Binding and
> > non-binding votes cannot be equated in any way other than the statement
> > about the fitness of the release, otherwise there would be no reason to
> > differentiate binding from non-binding votes in the first place.  Any
> > meaning above and beyond fitness of release is the sole pervue of the
> > binding votes and voters.
> >
> > > In any case, I'm going to sign out of this discussion now, as I have 
> > > enough
> > > to do keeping up with my day job, and don't feel the need to further 
> > > defend
> > > my right to vote +1 as I feel appropriate.
> >
> > That's cool Martin, I'm bowing out now too.  You've made your position
> > clear, and anyone can read it and make up their own mind about it.  I'm
> > glad you got the chance to "defend your right", as you see it.
> For the record I agree with Martin and in my book votes-are-votes
> whoever they come from.

+1  The binding/non-binding distinction is pretty much just for legal
and anti-jerk reasons in my book.  Shouldn't be used to divide the
community.  Really, when managing a release, i consider a non-binding
-1 (from a non-jerk, of course) as much of a showstopper as a binding
-1, why treat +1 differently?  Doesn't seem like the Apache way to me.

> Niall
> > > Martin Cooper
> >
> > Frank
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