
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 9:08 AM, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As more and more companies start using open source software, many,
> like mine, are looking for ways to give back to the community.  They
> want a way to contribute and ensure their contribution will be noticed
> and appreciated.  What if we had a feature sponsorship program that
> encouraged companies to donate engineering time to filling out needed
> features in Struts?
> I imagine it would work like this:
>  1. The Struts community comes up with a short list of desired
> features with high-level specs
>  2. Companies (or individuals) could "sign up" for a feature and
> donate internal engineering time to implementing the feature
>  3. The Struts community would review then commit the feature
>  4. The release notes for that version and perhaps somewhere on the
> website would note who gets credit for the feature
> This would help those that want to donate time what features are most
> needed by the community and give them a way to receive recognition for
> their work in a very public way.    A key component in this proposal
> is the way credit is given to the work, something that might encourage
> the marketing departments of the respective companies.  The list of
> desired features is also important as it ensures their effort will not
> be in vain, and it also implies the support of the Struts dev
> community to work to apply the patch in a timely manner.
> Thoughts?
> Don
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