On Sun, 2008-11-16 at 00:31 +0100, Rainer Hermanns wrote:
> I wouldn't have a problem to move over XWork to the ASF and I am pretty
> sure some other XWork developers would vote +1 for this step, but just
> bringing over a project to the ASF without new volunteer developers
> wouldn't solve the mentioned issue.
> So, if I could see a better future for XWork at Apache, I'd love to go
> this way, but this is not a task for two or three developers, but for a
> larger community. If some developers would like to participate either at
> OpenSymphony or in/after an incubation to ASF let me and others know, you
> are welcome and your help would be much appreciated.

Rainer, I've been working off of trunk for both xwork and s2 for the
examples in my upcoming book. I've worked with the xwork codebase and
posted a few patches. As you mentioned, we all have day jobs, and right
now, I've got a night-job too (the book), but I'd like to be able to
make patches/changes to xwork when I come across things. I am not
suggesting that my patches take too long to make their way in (since you
and Musachy have been keeping up enough to keep me happy), but if you
want some more help, I wouldn't mind.


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