As mentioned, I realized that just _after_ pressing the send button,
so please ignore my ignorance ;)


On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:18 PM, Ronny Løvtangen <> wrote:
> On Dec 11, 2008, at 10:42 PM, Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik wrote:
>>> The s:form equivalent of the nested-example above should be something
>>> like:
>>>     <s:form name="myForm">
>>>       <s:push value="person.address">
>>>             <s:textfield name="street"/>
>>>       </s:push>
>>>     </s:form>
>> Wouldn't <s:textfield name="person.address.street"> to the trick?
> Yes, but what if you want to reuse code for the form fields for an address
> and include another jsp? Then you always have to be nested inside
> person.address, you cant reuse the code if you are inside lets say
> customer.address.
> When it really comes in handy is when you operate with collections.
> Take this example from Struts 1:
> <nested:nest property="foo">
>        <nested:iterate property="bars">
>                <nested:text property="baz"/>
>        </nested:iterate>
> </nested:nest>
> to do the same ting in Struts 2 you have to write:
> <s:push value="foo">
>        <s:iterator value="bars" status="status">
>                <s:textfield name="foo.bars[%{#status.index}].baz"  />
>        </s:iterator>
> </s:push>
> With some changes to the Struts 2 codebase you could write
> <s:push value="foo">
>        <s:iterator value="bars">
>                <s:textfield name="baz"  />
>        </s:iterator>
> </s:push>
> Andreas and I have started to get the example above working on Struts 2. We
> have some working code, but not all details are figured out yet.
> --
> Ronny Løvtangen
> Senior Consultant - Net Professionals AS
> +47 928 21 901

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