On Thursday 11 December 2008 23:31:46 Ronny Løvtangen wrote:
> On Dec 11, 2008, at 11:26 PM, Musachy Barroso wrote:
> > The problem with your suggestion is that it works for simple, and
> > specific cases, but given OGNL "power", there is a large way of cases
> > when it would break. Like
> >
> > <s:push value="foo">
> >       <s:iterator value="bars[#action.index - 1 * Math.PI]">
> >               <s:textfield name="baz"  />
> >       </s:iterator>
> > </s:push>
> >
> > what would the name be in that case?
> How would you handle the request parameters from this form?
> Most of the time you don't do such power OGNL expressions in a form,  
> you're just interested in updating some objects in a collection.

I think the use-case for such power-OGNL expressions in a form is less than 1%. 
I must say I've created quite a lot of web-apps and forms over the years and 
*never* had any requirement where the above would be a relevant solution to 
anything. Documenting this limitations whold be OK I think.

Andreas Joseph Krogh <andr...@officenet.no>
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