We also working with an eclipse plugins

But we are in phase learning how to start create plugins

Our main interest for rest based plugins

I will add u to chat about this work

But if complete that will be awesome if we get struts ide as complete as 
possible, this can increase struts popularity


-----Original Message-----
From: Angelo zerr <angelo.z...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2011 09:58:35 
To: <dev@struts.apache.org>
Reply-To: "Struts Developers List" <dev@struts.apache.org>
Subject: Help to improve Struts2 IDE, eclipse plugins

Hi Struts2 Team,

I had posted a message to the user forum about my Struts2 IDE eclipse plugin
which manage (completion, validation, hyperlink, text hover, Ctrl+Shift+G)
struts.xml, JSP taglib and XWork validator.
You can see documentation at
(or for RTF

I managing wilcard but I would like know if you ar einterested with this
Plugins? I'm using Struts2 mailer sample to see several cases with
struts.xml but I would like know if there is somebody which can validate the
plugins and tell me how I could improve it.
Today there is NOT Update site, you must get from SVN projects and start a
second Eclipse, but if you wish I could create one just to testing.

If you are not intersested, tell me and I will stop to spam you.

Thank a lot for your help.

Regards Angelo

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