2011/2/17 Wendy Smoak <wsm...@gmail.com>:
> But does it matter?  If you've tested it and it works for your
> project, who cares what the Struts developers think. ;)

No, but it gives me a clear signal what can be the origin of my problem.

> One of the reasons it was done is to eliminate double work.  If you
> use version 5.4.3-Beta for a while and decide that it's GA, then you
> have to re-do the release process to re-label the artifacts, and do
> another round of testing.  Ditto with RC1, RC2, once you decide this
> is "the one" then you have to re-do the process one last time.

It isn't a problem anymore, with Nexus on our side is just few steps
to prepare a release ;-)

> Another is that it's hard to know whether something is *really* GA
> until it gets beat on for a while.  Sure we tested as much as we
> could, but it's much easier to promote something after a couple of
> weeks than is to have to retract a GA release that turned out to have
> a fatal flaw.

Yep, that's the one of the reasons I have, another is that we fixed 41
bugs of total 50 assigned to 2.2.2 version. The most important are
done, the rest is related to JSONPlugin (not everyone uses) or
development improvement. Few users requested a new release, especially
that the most important bugs are done. So I can just postpone those
bugs and prepare a new release or start a new thread about changing
labeling. Hmmm.... preparing a new release will be faster ;-)

Besides it's more about promoting a release. I was asking about that
sometime ago. It would be great to promote Betas or RCs without
calling for a Vote.

I was looking for that discussion about labeling but didn't find,
could you help and point to the right direction ? Maybe it was on PMC
group ?

Kind regards
+ 48 606 323 122 http://www.lenart.org.pl/
Kapituła Javarsovia http://javarsovia.pl

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