On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 6:10 AM, Lukasz Lenart <lukaszlen...@apache.org>wrote:

> Basically we have two "core"s - and what I want to do is to merge them
> to be the real core (not divided), thus should also remove some clumsy
> code which exists in XWork-Core just to satisfy Struts-Core's needs.
> And also reduce some duplication like ActionContext and
> ServletActionContext.

Agreed. We don't need 2 cores. The abstraction is quite unnecessary since
XWork is already bound to Struts.

> Having one core with support of extensibility, the next step will be
> extracting some plugins, ie. struts-jsp-plugin, struts-velocity-plugin
> and so on, to finally have Core which handles only Servlet
> Request/Response and the rest can be extended/handled by plugins. To
> be more precise, when you build REST app based on S2, you don't need
> support for JSPs or any other view layer, you just want to have a
> light REST layer.
> Paul's idea about moving stuff from S2 to XW is also quite good but
> I'm not sure if it is doable as all plugins depend on S2 not on XW -
> in most cases XW is invisible for plugins. Also the whole plugin
> support logic exists in S2, XW doesn't support plugins and even
> extension points. It'd better perform XW to S2 merge IMHO.

If we get rid of this S2/XW dual-core problem, we will have people actually
be able to rely simply on S2. I see what you're doing is a necessary first
step to get to a true S3 API. Perhaps when I mentioned moving S2 in XW, I
should have spoken more clearly about my intent. XW will be consumed into
S2 and be seamless.


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