It was only doclet related items I lost, but using struts-annotations
was able to replace the tld generation. I had already converted my
doclets to annotations, which seems a safer alternative going forward.
On 15/04/2022 01:38, Martin Gainty wrote:
Apologies Greg,
it appears 2011 tldgen does not yet accomodate javax.lang.model and
com.sun.source API types for Java 11
I'll propose that suggestion but for now we may need hard conversion types for
generated source
(assuming the class names are spot on..which they probably are not)
Thanks for the link
From: Greg Huber <>
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2022 3:13 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: tld generator
I had three ways of generating the tlds, this was one of them. They all
use the com.sun.javadoc API which has been rewritten, and now not
from the migration guide:
Many of the types in the old com.sun.javadoc API do not have equivalents
in this package. Instead, types in the javax.lang.model and
com.sun.source APIs are used instead. The following table gives a guide
to the mapping from old types to their replacements. In some cases,
there is no direct equivalent.
On 13/04/2022 18:01, Martin Gainty wrote:
Hi Greg
Have you tried tldgen?
Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project
From: Greg Huber <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 5:57 AM
To: Struts Developers List <>
Subject: tld generator
I need a new tld generator for my jsp files. The jdk.javadoc thing
seems to have broken my builds.
Can anyone recommend one going forward?
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