> Fire up your testing environments: they're going to get some use
> over
> the next couple of months.
> In an effort to release early and often, I'd like to cut the first
> 1.7.0 pre-release on June 1.  This will likely be a beta release,
> since there are still blocking issues, but I hope to get this into
> the
> hands of users (and third-party consumers) soon-ish.
> From that point, we'll continue to release beta's until we branch,
> which will be when the "1.7.0" issues are all closed.  After the
> branch, we'll start the release candidates and the soak period.
> Thoughts?

Sweet... I for one appreciate everyone's work on 1.7 and am really looking 
forward to it. Thanks to everyone. While I "can't wait" figuratively for this 
release I actually can wait literally because I would rather have it later and 
done than sooner and iffy.


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