On 05/18/2011 03:35 PM, Mark Phippard wrote:
> I think there are two primary things that you could accomplish by
> being together and able to talk to each other:
> 1) Talk about what stands between where we are now and a finished
> release.  Make note of any items not captured in the tracker and add
> them.
> 2) Talk about some of these items in detail and the right approach to
> solving them.
> Doing #1 will give people confidence that there is not much left to
> do, or it will at least reveal all the things we have not captured
> already.  Doing #2 should give a sense on how much work it will take
> and possibly who can do it.

As it turns out, your mail arrived while we were doing exactly these things.
 I think perhaps it's unfortunate that the sole bit of "group communication"
from this hackathon thus far has been this one somewhat non-committal
proposal from Hyrum.  In reality, there are plenty of discussions at various
depth levels happening in the room here.

No doubt you've seen several new issues filed -- the result of some of us
realizing that our collective Inboxes and cerebellums are quite the volatile
store for alot of information that's critical to our ability to plot and
traverse the course of this release.  And in a few minutes I'll be
committing up my notes from the agenda-dictated topics we've discussed so far.

C. Michael Pilato <cmpil...@collab.net>
CollabNet   <>   www.collab.net   <>   Distributed Development On Demand

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