Hi all,

Sorry for a long delay :) 5 years ago, I sent a patch to the mailing list that 
would allow to specify what to include/exclude from the diff output:


There were two problems this patch tried to address:

1. There was no way to exclude properties from the diff output.

2. There was no way to obtain a list of modified/added/deleted files and 
whether the content and/or properties have been modified.

I got a response from Ben Collins-Sussman that the patch I sent is superseded 
by --summarize option which was implemented in the trunk (which would 
eventually become 1.4):


Actually, --summarize only addresses the issue #2, but not the issue #1. As to 
issue #1, ability to disable property diffs is still missing from Subversion. 
Common wisdom suggests running the diff through 'filterdiff --clean':


But this is still unreliable: if property text includes a diff-like chunk, it 
will go through.

What is the sentiment about implementing --no-property-diff option to 'svn 
diff'? I can implement it if there's agreement such option is needed.


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