On 06.04.2012 09:51, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> Branko Čibej wrote on Fri, Apr 06, 2012 at 08:06:32 +0200:
>> This makes me wonder if we couldn't perhaps keep the whole thing as an
>> in-memory-not-disk-backed SQLite database, then encrypt and dump the
>> whole SQLite memory snapshot to disk. The real trouble with that
>> approach is that debugging the database using the SQLite command-line
>> tools would be impossible, everything would have to happen through the
> Presumably we'd write a tools/dev/ helper that decrypts the memory
> snapshot and dumps it to an on-disk SQLite db?

This really has other problems, too. Actually, /any/ passphrase-based
system we use has it: "in-memory" does not, by itself, imply that the
unencrypted data never end up on disk. At the very least, the
unencrypted bits need to be stored in locked, access-protected memory,
so that they don't get swapped out and can't be accessed by (non-root)

OS-provided password storage systems typically already account for this.
And, whilst Subversion doesn't take these precautions with individual
passwords, a passphrase that protects a number of different credentials
needs more attention to preventing plaintext leaks.

-- Brane

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