On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Julian Foad <julianf...@btopenworld.com>wrote:

> Stefan Fuhrmann wrote:
> > But I did run across an assertion in mergeinfo.c, :line 1174
> >
> >> during merge_tests.py 125:
> >>>
> >
> > The weird thing about the assertion is, that the tests
> > will continue just fine afterwards and no error was
> > reported. I suspect some compiler optimization issue
> > or some missing initialization.
> I see this too.  The test is marked XFAIL.

OK, that explains why it simply carries on afterwards.
It has been the first test that popped up the "your app
terminated unexpectedly" window. And that is not
nice behavior for an automated test suite.

-- Stefan^2.

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