On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Stefan Fuhrmann
<stefan.fuhrm...@wandisco.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Julian Foad <julianf...@btopenworld.com>
> wrote:
>> Stefan Fuhrmann wrote:
>> > But I did run across an assertion in mergeinfo.c, :line 1174
>> >
>> >> during merge_tests.py 125:
>> >>>
>> >
>> > The weird thing about the assertion is, that the tests
>> > will continue just fine afterwards and no error was
>> > reported. I suspect some compiler optimization issue
>> > or some missing initialization.
>> I see this too.  The test is marked XFAIL.
> OK, that explains why it simply carries on afterwards.
> It has been the first test that popped up the "your app
> terminated unexpectedly" window. And that is not
> nice behavior for an automated test suite.

Yeah, that reminds me that I had the same problem, already for a long
time (I don't notice it anymore). See this thread:


It's only when you run the test suite with a release build. With a
debug build, you won't get the annoying popup. But with a release
build on Windows, it's quite annoying that you can't run it


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