On 11/26/2012 06:38 PM, Peter Samuelson wrote:
> [Julian Foad]
>> In general, setting *or* deleting an unknown prop name causes nothing
>> significant to happen on *this* client, and may cause something
>> (expected or unexpected) to happen on another client.
> I don't get why we would want 'propdel --force' at all.  Either the
> "misspelled" property exists, or it doesn't.
> If the "misspelled" property exists, probably the user already noticed
> the typo, that's why they're deleting it!  I see no need for --force
> here.
> If the "misspelled" property does not exist, I think the warning that
> the property does not exist is just as good as a warning that they
> misspelled it or forgot to use --force.

+1.  (And thanks, Peter, for effectively composing my response for me.)

C. Michael Pilato <cmpil...@collab.net>
CollabNet   <>   www.collab.net   <>   Enterprise Cloud Development

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