On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 09:14:42PM +0100, Branko Čibej wrote:
> That "blatant abuse" happens at least in two places that I'm aware of:
> our tests, and Emacs vc-mode.

There is a difference between scraping the cli output and having
a program type answers into prompts. Do our tests really do the latter?

Anyway, we can always add a --force-interactive option for such use.

> And we'd hardly go to the trouble of keeping the command-line output
> backwards-compatible if we didn't /expect/ people to drive svn this way.

I'm generally opposed to favouring scriptability of the CLI over
interactive use of the CLI.

In this case, however, I'd like to make simple scripting easier by
preventing the need to add --non-interactive to every invocation of
'svn' in a script. You can surely see the advantage of that, no?

FWIW, every release since 1.6 has broken scripts that parsed CLI output in
a naive way. All these difference were documented in the release notes.
And we offer --xml mode and bindings with stable interfaces.

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