On 29 August 2014 22:48, Branko Čibej <br...@wandisco.com> wrote:
> On 29.08.2014 20:12, Julian Foad wrote:
> Please everyone calm down.
> From scanning this conversation, it looks like the main technical substance
> is that a commit exposed some symbols wrongly, and the layering of the
> functionality may need to be improved. Or something like that. (Exactly what
> the technical issues are, is not the point of this email.)
> ** This is not a crisis. **
> I'm referring to the fact that we're in the situation that
> one developer's commits are a priori considered suspect by
> another developer.

I do not understand this point. I'm reading everyone's commits and
this is not my fault if I find too much mistakes in the code produced
by the particular developer.

Moreover, I never a priory treat any commits as a good ones (no matter
who the author is). But please do not think that I'm trying to say
that I'm the smartest developer here. I'm sure that the reviewer
should treat any code modification as a potentially wrong one. The
code review is clearly useless otherwise.

>From my point of view, the system works because each developer should
be the first prejudiced reviewer for all his new code. And I hope you
will not suggest me to filter out someone's commits from my reading
list in order to have such problems solved.

Ivan Zhakov

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