On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 09:26:27PM +0200, Stefan wrote:
> I'm just wondering why the backward compatibility for 1.9.0 (and 1.8.0)
> doesn't state 100% here [1].
> Checking out the details on 1.9.0 [2] and there the details on
> libsvn_subr [3] suggests 3 functions were removed:
> - svn__apr_hash_index_key ( apr_hash_index_key( apr_hash_index_t const* hi )
> - svn__apr_hash_index_klen ( apr_hash_index_key( apr_hash_index_t const*
> hi )
> - svn__apr_hash_index_val ( apr_hash_index_key( apr_hash_index_t const* hi )

$ grep -q -r svn__apr_hash branches/1.9.x || echo none

> Looking at the list of added functions, I see exactly these though [4].
> Am I missing something?

[3] and [4] are the same page, just pointing to different anchors.  The
svn__apr_hash_index_* functions only show up in the "Removed" section.

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