Merkle trees / hashes can help a server maintained graph of objects survive 
- data in SSD or HD being corrupted by (say) nutrinos over time. See also a 
guy/gal lamenting their corrupted photo collection -
A svn server, in some background activity could detect that bitrot has happened 
by calculating the hashes afresh, then ask a replica for its version of the 
same file@revision to heal it silently.
Of course you could take the policy view that subversion should rely on a file 
system that can deliberately repair corruptions - - though 
BTRFS may also repair corruptions.  If you do it in Svn itself, you could take 
advantage of *ordinary* file systems, and the fact that people wanting their 
(say) photos to survive a house fire, should probably have their in-house 
file-sync server (say Raspberry Pi + SDCard) replicating to something outside 
the house too.

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