Branko Čibej wrote:
> Paul Hammant wrote:
>> I still think it would be good for sha1's to be calculated for directories 
>> *too*. Better still if those obeyed user permissions too.
> Server CPU is a limited resource. File content hashes are not affected
> by user permissions, so they can be computed once and reused. A hash of
> a user-specific view of directory contents would have to be recalculated
> at every access.

It would only have to be recalculated when the user's access has
changed. More precisely, when the user's access doesn't match that of
any already-cached result. That can be more efficient.

And server network IO is a limited resource too. Any server-side
calculation required might in any case be preferable to sending all
the data out so that each client can calculate the result itself.

- Julian

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