On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 7:00 AM Julian Foad <julianf...@apache.org> wrote:

> Here is my suggestion.
> Primary goals:
> * Stability


> * Availability

All of the above -- being mature, reaching the stability phase, etc --
is true of Subversion 1.x. It is _not_ true of "Subversion" without a
1.x after it.

Subversion 2.0 hasn't been born yet. Ironically, now is the time,
specifically because stability of 1.x means not introducing huge
groundbreaking features. But under no circumstances should such new
development be discouraged and turned away!! On the contrary, the
Subversion project should encourage it!

I believe there _will_ be new development in the future. Partly I
believe this because it's on my own to-do list, and I have some big
ideas that will _have_ to go in a 2.0 (even if 1.x didn't enter a
stability phase). Partly I believe it because Subversion offers some
great things that no other tool does. And partly because in my short
time on this earth, I've seen entirely too many occasions when
something was almost dead and came back stronger than ever, while
other things were flying high and mighty and then crashed and burned.

The name "Subversion" is actually the perfect name for this project.
It's a double entendre. While the technical idea is to control "sub-
versions" -- versions between versions -- the word "subversion" means
to transform an established social order. I'll say no more. :-)

Subversion 1.x is mature. Subversion 2.0 is now on the drawing board.
Let's make 1.x as stable and available as possible and let's encourage
discussion about 2.0 and all the great things ahead.

I recommend a two pronged approach.

Prong 1: Everything you said about stability and availability for 1.x.
People need to know that the Subversion they know, love, and rely upon
will continue to take care of them.

Prong 2: Open up a 2.0-dev branch even if there's nothing to put there
yet. In any announcements about 1.x going stable make sure to mention
that 2.0 is now open for business. People need to know that there is a
future -- and they can help shape it!!!!!!

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