Den ons 17 feb. 2021 19:42Daniel Shahaf <> skrev:

> Daniel Sahlberg wrote on Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 09:46:54 +0100:
> > Den tis 16 feb. 2021 kl 21:37 skrev Daniel Shahaf <
> > > Is it worthwhile to automate this step?  doap.rdf changes rarely enough
> > > that we needn't bother with "edit part of a file" logic; we can just
> > > regenerate the entire file and «svnmucc put» it into place, with a
> > > comment indicating it's a generated file.
> >
> > The doap.rdf contain references to two separate releases (at least
> > right now) and when running you are working on one release
> > at a time. So we can't just have a template and add the current
> > release number, we also need to know the other release (which could
> > have been a year ago or the same day).
> Well, yes, and « clean-dist» already has logic to determine
> the other release's version number.
> > To automate "edit part of file", we would need to search for the same
> > major.minor and replace with current relase, but when there is a new
> > minor (1.15..) we would have to edit manually anyway.
> I don't think so.
> We could generate subversion-%(version)s.rdf-excerpt files, drop them in
> dist/, and then use clean_dist()-like logic to cat the right subset of
> them, adding a fixed header and trailer.  This way, we wouldn't need to
> splice lines out of and into the file, and we wouldn't need to special-case
> the first release of a minor line or the EOLing of a minor line in the
> logic.
> > It's a balance between the amount of work done by RM, the downside of
> > having different processes for new minor and new patch release and the
> > work to code to automate. I'm leaning towards having it as it is, but
> > I would listen to Stefan's opinion (since he did the most recent RM).
> By and large, agreed, but see above for the details.

All this sounds good. However I'm not fluent in Python and even though
learning is on my to-do, it is not high enough right now so I'll leave it
to someone else.

Kind regards
Daniel Sahlberg


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