On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 10:19 PM Alexandr Miloslavskiy
<alexandr.miloslavs...@syntevo.com> wrote:
> Going to take longer, sorry. I'm bombarded with things to take care
> of... While trying to have vacation, huh. Again, of the flaky test
> stands in the way, I wouldn't mind of you just comment it out for now.

Please enjoy your vacation first and foremost, Alexandr :-). I hope
you don't get bombarded too much.

There is nothing on fire here, and as you say: the test can be
commented out or otherwise disabled (as I understand it, the test is
simply exercising the code in a particular way, so if anything errors
out or crashes, it's not really the test's fault).

We should definitely look further into it (and I can try to make some
time for this too, next week or so). But it's nothing that can't wait
for a couple more days / weeks, IMHO.


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