Den sön 27 juni 2021 kl 20:34 skrev Daniel Shahaf <>:

Thanks for looking at this!

Daniel Sahlberg wrote on Sat, 26 Jun 2021 21:12 +00:00:
> > Mentioning, it seems that doesn't
> > support https. I've reached out to Fitz (since I've been in touch with
> > him previously) but if someone else read this and pick it up I think it
> > would be a good thing.
> Try


> > There are a few slightly tricker questions:
> > * In news.html, under the 2013 hackathon, there is a link to
> >
> however that page is only in german now. I'm considering linking to
>, however there are some recorded talks and interviews that I
> can't find anymore. Does anyone have the original
> Do you mean these? —
> SVN_Hackathon_Berlin_2013-01-What_is_New_in_Subversion_1-8_with_Stefan_Sperling.mp4
> SVN_Hackathon_Berlin_2013-02-Interview_with_C_Michael_Pilato.mp4
> SVN_Hackathon_Berlin_2013-03-Automatic_Mergin_in_Subversion_1-8_with_Julian_Foad.mp4
> SVN_Hackathon_Berlin_2013-04-On_the_Way_to_Fast_and_Scalable_Repositories_with_Stefan_Fuhrmann.mp4
> SVN_Hackathon_Berlin_2013-05-Interview_with_Johan_Corveleyn.mp4
> SVN_Hackathon_Berlin_2013-06-Interview_with_Bert_Huijben.mp4
> SVN_Hackathon_Berlin_2013-07-Why_Git_Merges_Better_than_Subversion_with_Neels_J_Hofmeyr.mp4
> SVN_Hackathon_Berlin_2013-08-Interview_with_Ben_Reser.mp4
> SVN_Hackathon_Berlin_2013-09-Interview_with_Branko_Cibej.mp4
> I have a copy of them.

These are the ones, yes. I see four different options with this link:
- Modify the link to point to elego's current site. Pro: Least work, also
linking to a current site. Con: In german, only and doesn't contain the
links to the interviews.
- Modify the link to point to elego's old site via Pro: "As it
was supposed to be" Con: That page (
contains links to the interviews, but those links are 404.
- Keep the link, but mark it as obsolete. Pro: No re-writing of history.
Con: We loose some part of history.
- Copy the contents from and host it including the interviews
on the site or in WIKI. Pro: Preserve history. Con: Copyright issue needs
to be resolved with elego (and whoever took the photos).

> > and could we add them to our own site?
> If elego doesn't mind, I guess?

I should rephrase: Do we want to? Are there still relevant information in
these interviews?

> * In packages.html, under Mac OS X, there is a link to Fink "maintained
> > by Christian Schaffner", however on the linked page the maintainer is
> > Daniel Johnson. I'm leaning towards removing the maintainer's name to
> > so we don't have to keep track of changes. Opinions?
> +1.  Presumably the up-to-date information is available behind the link.


> > * There are a lot of links in /docs/ concerning older versions. Should
> > we keep them frozen as a historic document or try to update them? For
> > future versions, I will try to fix the obvious in the code (but that's
> > another project).
> Not sure what you have in mind here.  Example?

Links to in the javahl docs. This is probably from docstrings
in the source.
Links to in the api docs. These are "generated by".

I'm leaning towards leaving old docs as-is (especially the "generated by"),
but change the docstrings in the source for a future release.

> > * Same thing with older release notes. Should we keep them frozen as a
> > historic document or try to update them?
> Older release notes are part of the current release's documentation, so
> I vote to update them.


> * In docs/community-guide/mailing-lists.part.html, there is a link to
> > however that redirects
> > domain landing site. Using I think I have found the
> > original page,
> > but I would like someone to verify it for me.
> > * In faq.html there is a link to, I guess it is a book
> > preview. It redirects to, I have linked
> > through
> Cheers,
> Daniel

Kind regards,
Daniel Sahlberg

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