On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 09:05:33PM +0200, Daniel Sahlberg wrote:
> Has there been any complaints about Subversion's ability to store passwords
> in plaintext?

Of course :) Years ago, before any encrypted storage was available
on Unix systems, this was a common complaint.

The FAQ entry which you improved in https://svn.apeche.org/r1887129
was previously using language which reflected the nature of complaints
that were received: "Ahhh!  I just discovered that my Subversion client
is caching passwords in plain-text on disk!  -    AHHH!"

> (I tried to search the mailing list but didn't come up with
> anything, possibly because of a lack of imagination on proper keywords).
> Maybe these complaints would have gone to the different distributions?

Perhaps some of them arrived via internal support channels of the various
companies involved in SVN's development. Not all communication with users
occurs via public channels.

> For reference, here is the e-mail where Stefan Sperling mentions the change
> in OpenBSD to re-enable support for plaintext passwords in OpenBSD: [2] I
> would encourage everyone to re-read that message since it has a good
> summary of arguments (including a link to a request from a corporate
> security group to TortoiseSVN to avoid storing a password in plaintext in
> memory).
> For me the route taken by OpenBSD seems reasonable:
> - Enable plaintext passwords in the compile time defaults
> - Disable plaintext passwords in the default runtime configuration
> - Let the users re-enable it in their configuration if they want to
> Pros:
> * It would not change the default behaviour.
> * It would enable users to enable plaintext passwords in configuration
> without having to recompile.
> Cons:
> * Potentially some security group would argue about the possibility to
> enable plaintext passwords at all.

As someone who supported the original change to disable this feature at
compile-time, I backtracked a bit when I saw the consequences on OpenBSD
servers where unattended operation of svn in scripts is relatively common.

But I still think that Brane's concerns are warranted.
In particular (from #svn-dev IRC just now):

09:30 <@brane> the only issue i have with that is that users rarely look at 
               ~/.subversion/config and may not even be aware that the option 
               is enabled.

A potential attack would be Alice leaving her desktop unlocked,
and Eve using this chance to enable the option in Alice's config.
Eve would also clear the password cache with svn auth --remove
and disable the plaintext password prompt by setting the appropriate
option in ~/.subversion/servers.
Now Alice comes back and uses SVN as usual, unaware that her password
is being cached in plaintext, perhaps assuming it is being cached in
encrypted storage as she would reasonably expect.
When Alice leaves her desktop unlocked another time Eve collects
Alice's SVN password from plaintext storage.

The above may seem ridiculous to some (after all, Alice should not have
left her desktop defenseless!) but this is indeed a threat scenario
which is considered in some deployments. The TortoiseSVN discussion
linked earlier is based on a similar threat model where an unlocked
Windows desktop is abused to spy out passwords cached by TortoiseSVN,
which will reveal encrypted passwords in plaintext when asked to do so.

To protect Alice from this attack, writing plaintext passwords must
remain disabled during regular usage of SVN. We could provide a special
mechanism to add a plaintext password under a set of conditions:

  - The command to run is not a regularly used SVN command.
    'svn auth' would be a good candidate since its sole purpose
    is to inspect and manage the cached credentials store.

  - The user provides the password and authentication with this
    password against the server succeeds.

  - If a non-plaintext storage backend is available, that backend
    is used instead of storing the password in plaintext (but perhaps
    the plaintext backend could be forced via a command line switch).

  - The user gives consent to the password being stored in plaintext
    by answering 'yes' to the plaintext password prompt, in a way that
    cannot be overridden by configuration files (i.e. the value of the
    store-plaintext-passwords option in the servers configuration file
    would be ignored by this command).

We could have 'svn auth add https://svn.example.com/svn/foo' as a
one-shot operation that satisfies the above constraints, while leaving
all other code paths compiled out which would otherwise store passwords
in plaintext. A regular 'svn update' still won't cache a password in
plaintext, unless --enable-plaintext-passwords was passed at compile-time.

Now Alice can store a plaintext password (and will be aware of its existence),
but Eve cannot fool Alice into doing so unless Subversion was compiled with
the --enable-plaintext-passwords option.

Would this work?


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