On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 06:01:21PM +0200, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> Consider an asymmetric home internet connection with more download
> than upload capacity. The server may well be able to send the
> original full text much faster than the client could upload it.
> So with a sufficiently small delta the overall turnaround time might
> well be much shorter than letting the client upload a full-text copy.
> In cases where the server is hosted behind such a link we will lose time.
> But I would expect this case to be less common than the former.

After some more thought on this I realize the main focus of this effort
are files which are difficult to deltify. In that case my above
consideration is likely going to be irrelevant in practice.

And I see that Evgeny has already figured out how to make the client
send a full text during commit. Great :)

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