On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 11:50 AM Karl Fogel <kfo...@red-bean.com> wrote:

> On 24 Jan 2022, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> >Which brings me to a less contrived / more general point: What if
> >the user _knows in advance_ they'll need a pristine?  Shouldn't
> >there be: —  - a way to say "I'm about to change a large,
> >diffable file; detranslate
> >  it into the pristine store before I touch it"?  Perhaps even
> >  make files read-only at the OS level (as with svn:needs-lock)
> >  so the user doesn't modify the file accidentally until its
> >  pristine has been set aside?
> 'svn hydrate'?  (I can't even tell if I'm joking.)

Suppose that in the future we get a "history depth" feature. I vaguely
recall a discussion about that. It is possible we even have a feature
request filed. In any event the idea of history depth is like that of
directory tree depth, but for locally cached history. To illustrate, SVN
today always has a history depth of one, meaning that pristines serve as a
local cache of BASE. Pristines-on-demand can be seen as a history depth of
zero, meaning no local cache (until needed for specific files). A future
history depth feature may make it possible to locally cache the last n
revisions, or even infinity (full DVCS).

Perhaps the command to hydrate/dehydrate pristines should be designed with
this possibility in mind, i.e., not limit it only to a true/false value.


# "Normal" pristines
$ svn update --set-history-depth=immediates .

# Pristines-on-demand:
$ svn update --set-history-depth=none .

With the limitation, currently, that it may be applied only to the wc root
since the underlying logic is currently a wc-wide on/off switch.


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