In an ideal world, I'd have time to study the details closely enough that I would already know the answer to the question I'm about to ask. However, after (quickly) reading the posts so far, I still wasn't completely clear on the answer, so... what the heck, I'll just ask!

Does the current design involve a new per-wc flag that indicates something about a pristines-(present|absent) mode?

Here's why I ask that question:

I'd always assumed that we wouldn't need such a flag. That is, since the presence/absence of a given pristine is inherently a per-file fact, ideally we would record that fact solely on a per-file basis. Now, our current *user interface* to pristinelessness may only offer it on a whole-wc basis, and that's fine. But that doesn't imply a per-wc flag. The best way to keep the feature flexible -- that is, to keep the door open to other user interfaces in the future -- is to associate pristine status with each file's entry and nowhere else.

Maybe that's what we're doing? But I get the feeling, from skimming the posts, that there *is* some kind of per-wc flag being stored. If so, maybe there's a good reason for it (i.e., perhaps my reasoning above is missing some key point). Or maybe there isn't a good reason for it, in which case we should discuss :-).

Best regards,

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