For the sake of argument here, let's assume we choose a unit of
review-and-test that contains one-or-more significant patches (worth
releasing) plus zero-or-more trivial patches.

Julian Foad wrote:
> These two things [double voting, automatable process] seem to
> be the two main burdens we could reduce.

To spell out the relationship between those two: if there's quickly and
magically a release-candidate tarball produced for each proposed
backport, then what we review and test for backport is assured to be
exactly what we would be reviewing and testing for a release.

Following on your tagging idea: Perhaps the tarball creation would be
triggered by each successive backport proposal (cumulatively) on the
branch; those that fail test/review are ignored; and when we make the
tag, the tagging triggers the later parts of the release process
(essentially, making the tarballs public).

- Julian

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