On Feb 18 2022, Mark Phippard wrote:
>> [It fetches and stores pristines of modified files;] it doesn't mean
>> "store no pristines" in that WC.
> I am curious what Karl thinks given that he is living this scenario
> today and wants the feature. I would think that having update create
> pristines for any modified file taints its usefulness. That said, it
> is probably still better than what they have today and if the user is
> on a fast network and disk space is not too big of an issue it might
> not matter too much. I personally think this is the biggest issue to
> solve though, more so than selectively choosing pristines for
> different files. I think the feature just really does not "work as
> advertised" if it is going to behave this way.

Hello, Mark. Maybe Karl will yet answer, but I didn't want to leave this
hanging any longer.

This design was anticipated as far back as a 2006-06-09 comment on #525
by Oswald Buddenhagen [1], where it is described as one of the
possibilities among variations and alternatives. I'm not saying that
justifies choosing it as the best solution, just that it's not arriving
now from off the radar.

We've already discussed how there are certainly scenarios where it won't
be greatly helpful as well as scenarios where it will, and several
people seem to think there are enough of the latter.

Maybe, don't knock it till you've tried it?

As for "as advertised", then surely the take-away message is we need to
be careful how we describe it; never call it "without pristines".

- Julian


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