Karl Fogel <kfo...@red-bean.com> writes:

> Thank you, Evgeny!  Just to make sure I understand correctly --
> the status now on the 'pristines-on-demand-on-mwf' branch is:
> 1) One can do 'svn checkout --store-pristines=no' to get an
> entirely pristine-less working copy.  In that working copy,
> individual files will be hydrated/dehydrated automagically on an
> as-needed basis.
> 2) There is no command to hydrate or dehydrate a particular file.
> Hydration and dehydration only happen as a side effect of other
> regular Subversion operations.
> 3) There is no way to rehydrate the entire working copy.  E.g.,
> something like 'svn update --store-pristines=yes' or 'svn hydrate
> --depth=infinity' does not exist yet.
> 4) Likewise, there is no way to dehydrate an existing working copy
> that currently has its pristines (even if that working copy is at
> a high-enough version format to support pristinelessness).  E.g.,
> something like 'svn update --store-pristines=no' or 'svn dehydrate
> --depth=infinity' does not exist yet.
> Is that all correct?

Yes, I believe that is correct.

> By the way, I do not think (2), (3), and (4) are blockers.  Just
> (1) by itself is a huge step forward and solves issue #525;

+1 on keeping the scope of the feature to just (1) for now.

> IMHO, once the tests are ready, we could merge it and release
> it to the world.

Apart from the required test changes, there are some technical
TODOs that remain from the initial patch and should be resolved.
I'll try to handle them as well.

Evgeny Kotkov

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